For Christmas this year Josh and I decided to drive to east Texas to surprise his Mom, and boy was she surprised to see us! :) When we drove up, Josh sent Anna in the house first, and I could hear his Mom excitedly yelling "What are you doing here!!??" to Anna from outside of the house as I was walking up. It was so cute.
I don't know what my deal is, but the past few years I just haven't managed to get many pictures of Christmas. It's weird. This time around I think I'm going to blame Meredith. Homegirl wasn't feeling well, and was a bit of a handful for most of the trip.
She was quite the snot producer this weekend...
It's difficult to take pictures, much less hold a camera, when she wants to be held the whole time she's awake.
Oh least her outfit was cute! :)
And Wallace...I'm pretty sure he managed to survive on cookies alone the entire time we were there. Ha!
We went over to Sarah Faye's house on Christmas day and Josh's Dad and some of that side of the family were there! I can't remember the last time I've seen them. We gathered everyone up for some group photos.
As usual, Wallace was uncooperative. How dare we take him away from his precious time playing with the toy car!
This is quickly becoming his m.o. when it comes to group photos.
whew...back to play time.
I think Josh's brother was a small child the last time I saw him. So crazy how fast everyone grows up! Oh...and Josh managed to pull off a smile...or maybe he was just squinting.
There were so many Nerf guns at Sarah's house! And Frosty really got it. He was the only target other than other children, so I think they used him for target practice before setting off to terrorize each other.
She was so worn out she actually took a nap after we got back to Josh's Mom's house! That never really happens these days.
Josh decided driving at night on Saturday evening would be better than fighting the traffic on Sunday, and so we left after dinner last night. I think he was right. We made amazing time! Only 5.5 hours! And no stops other than one for gas! That might just be the way to do it.
Anyway. Wish I'd manged to get more pics, but take my word for it, we had a great time! :)