The Circus!
When I got my new computer a couple of months ago, the last thing I did on my old machine was back up Lightroom. I'm not really sure why Lightroom recommends you do backups though because NONE of my edits were transferred to my new machine. This was just infuriating. So, every since I've had the new machine I've been going back and re-editing all of my pictures from this year. I figure I won't bother with anything before this year since I've already got photo albums printed for those years.
It's been eye opening to go back and re-edit. Although Lightroom didn't hang onto my edits, I had all of my low res JPEGs I've been exporting all year to compare my re-edits to. I've decided I can't stand my editing style from just 9 months ago! How funny is that? I've also decided to just export everything at 100% resolution so that I'm not stuck in the same boat ever again. I've got like 4TBs of storage now, so it shouldn't be an issue for quite some time.
Anyway, the final batch of photos that I attempted to edit before the old machine crapped out was from the circus. We took the kids to the circus back in September. These photos were quite frustrating for me because I'd decided to take everyone's advice and bump up the ISO to an astronomical amount in order to even get photos in the dimly lit arena. Everything online says that cameras now-a-days don't have issues with noise at high ISOs. This is crap! Don't believe what you hear. These were the noisiest flipping photos ever! I was not looking forward to even attempting to process them because of this, but just yesterday I was reading an article that this woman wrote on action photography in low-light areas, and she had some good advice I hadn't considered in regards to editing. I guess I just never noticed the noise reduction section in Lightroom before. It's hidden under the "details" tab. This helped quite a bit and made most of the photos down right palatable for me! Yay for the luminance slider! :)
I complain rather frequently about the focus issues the D7000 has, but it's was a rock star with the performers at the circus!
I haven't been to the circus in ages, so I'm not sure if it's this way at every one of them, but an hour before it started, during the intermission, and right at the end, they set up elephant rides, camel rides, pony rides, bounce houses, face painting... so much stuff. Which is great because right when Anna and Wallace were starting to lose it they got to go run around!
Josh bought them some tickets for the elephant ride, and neither of us were sure how Wallace might react to it. The kids got in line and imagine my shock when they put Wallace right up at the front of the elephant!!!
So, the kids had a blast! And if Anna has anything to say about it, this will become an annual thing. :)