Yay! Finally! A sport I truly love. :) Well, I can't say I love watching professional basketball, but I do love to play it. And Anna seems to like it as well. She can still be a little hot and cold about it, but for the most part, I think she's enjoying herself.
It is very difficult to get photos of children moving pretty fast in a dimly lit gym, but I'm trying. I've been using the crap out of my flash. I ran down a set of batteries in about 2 hours.
This morning Anna had an early game (9:00am). That may not sound early, but it means waking up at 7:00 on a Saturday for us. :( As I went back through the pictures I took I saw a bunch of kids yawning in the background, so it apparently wasn't just us who thought it was a little early.
I caught a few pictures of her warming up. Anna was super excited when she realized half way through the first quarter that they were using her ball as the game ball! She came over to me on the sidelines to tell me about it...during the game. Ha!
Ha. Not really sure what was going on here, but I thought it was cute. :) They line up with their backs to us so the scorekeepers can write down their jersey numbers.
Tip off! The kids are pretty cute. About half of them have no idea what's going on with the game, Anna's in that half...
Believe it or not the other team is actually driving toward the basket here. In the first couple of games she was really going after the ball, but she seems to have lost that motivation over the Christmas holiday.
She brought the ball down the court a couple of times. Oh...and also, I distinctly remember not having a uniform this cool until I played Varsity basketball! Kids are so lucky these days!
Haha! See what I was an early game!
Back at the house the kids proceeded to chase the ducks!
These poor ducks. We actually bought 5 to use for Hoss's training. These were the last two. Josh had a few out of town trips and before we knew it they were giant! Josh just decided to release them, and they've stuck around! Maybe they've missed the migration or something, I don't know. But it's nice to look out the back windows and see them waddling around :)
Yep....that's our pool. We're actually draining it this weekend so we can get it cleaned up and refilled, but these ducks have been in heaven with it all green. They swim and poop in it all the time. "/