Newborn Photography...not for the faint of heart

Things kind of calmed down here this afternoon, so I figured what better time to bust out the tripod and attempt to get some fancy shots of Meredith!  I've been looking for inspiration on Pinterest for a while now, and I have all sorts of great ideas and concepts for super cute stuff to do....the only problem is I don't have a willing model....  "/

Admittedly, I did not heat my house up to a balmy 85 degrees before making this attempt, as was recommended on numerous websites.  It might have helped; however, Meredith has grown very accustomed to lying on my chest practically 24/7.  It'll probably be a little bittersweet for her to grow out of this phase, so for now I'm okay with the fact that if she's not snuggled up on someone, she's pretty much pissed off.  

After 3 attempts at laying her down on the bed and sneaking back to the camera, I managed to get a couple of keepers.  And then I decided to test out some Lightroom presets I got online recently.  I think they look pretty good...but it's easy to get carried away in editing and make your baby look like an alien.  Hopefully, I haven't gone there and just can't see it for myself.  :)

As you can tell, homegirl was WIDE AWAKE for this ridiculously quick photo session.  This made for some nice open-eyed pics, but none of those lazy, chubby, curled up in a cute ball newborn ones I was thinking I might be able to get.

Also, since she was pretty much hating this whole process, I didn't get to put the super cute little elf hats I bought on her.  They're pretty stretchy though, so I think I'll be able to use them in a few months when she's maybe a bit more independent.  We'll see.