A cordless baby!

Meredith's umbilical cord fell off!  This is super exciting.  No more sponge baths, she can now have her navel submerged!  I really look forward to this moment.  Anna absolutely loved her baths as a baby...if she was screaming and upset, I could just go put her in the bath, and she'd relax and calm right down.  

When Wallace's cord fell off, I remember being so excited to put him in the tub for the first time, but then he completely freaked out and acted like I was trying to drown him or something!  It was horrible!  And being a less is more kind of mom...I really struggled to go buy him a bath hammock seat thing.  The fear in his eyes one evening broke me down...I made an emergency trip to Target and bought him one.  After that bath time was quite pleasant.  :)

So, last night I gave Meredith her first bath.  Being a bath seats are vital kind of mom, I noticed weeks ago that Josh must have thrown out Wallace's old seat, so I bought Meredith a new one.  I was ready, camera in hand....this kid is going to love her bath!

Not so much.....

Not so much.....

fail, fail, fail......

fail, fail, fail......

She screamed from the second I took her diaper off.  :(  

*sigh*  Maybe it was just gas.... Oh well.  We'll keep trying; kind of have to...