Little Miss Meredith!
Believe it or not....I finally had my baby! Anna was right! It's a girl. Meredith Irene Larson made her way into this world on March 15th at 4:10 in the afternoon. She weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and is 20.5 inches long. She is beautiful! And I'm not biased at all. :)
I'd talked to Josh about getting hospital pics for me with the DSLR. I had it all on auto settings for him, and even sent him an instructional blog post to read through so he'd know what kind of pictures I wanted. He really did a great job! I asked for slimy baby...and I got some slimy baby. :)
I've got some more to process, but these were the standouts.
I always tell Josh how annoyed I am with myself that I cry every time I see a baby born on TV and every time a friend has a baby....but not so much when I have my own. What's up with that?
Slimy/vernixy baby. :)
We were a little surprised at how tiny she is! Wallace was born 2 weeks earlier than her and outweighed her by half a pound. Baby weights make no sense to me.
The realities of having a baby now a days. Hospital cables everywhere, and new mommies texting their friends with all the details. :)
It's so wonderful to have a full-term baby! You get so much time to bond with them without all the hovering nurses and staff.
Josh went with Meredith when they got her all cleaned up and bathed.
My Mom came up to the hospital and brought Anna and Wallace to meet their new sister.
Wallace was a bit timid, but Anna just jumped right in there and was ready to hold her and sing to her. It was pretty adorable. :)
I tried to get a few nice pics of her once things calmed down for the evening.
My sister brought all of my nieces up to meet Meredith.
And she took over the camera for a little bit.
And Aunt Palani came over this morning to meet Meredith, which gave me just enough time to process a few pictures! Thanks Palani! :)