*sigh* Nothing to Report.....
I know I promised my bestie Jen that I wouldn't complain even if I carried this baby past term....but that was ages ago. Now that I'm faced with the possibility of it....I think I'm starting to complain a lot. Mostly about the wait. Having 2 preemies has kind of "spoiled" me. I'm not used to waiting for a baby to arrive at all. This is all new territory, and I'm starting to freak out about how big the baby might be, and how my labor will go, etc. It's so simple when your water breaks....you just go straight to the hospital. What if I have to labor at home for days and days!!! Scary! "/
Today I texted Jen and floated the option of unpacking my hospital bag (which is collecting dust) and putting all of the baby stuff away... Maybe the baby will come if I'm not prepared for it at all! :) It's not helping that Jen totally had her baby on time this go around..and I appear to be doing the same. Amazingly enough our pregnancies were almost exactly 4 weeks apart again this time. How does that even happen! Last time I delivered early and she delivered late and our boys are only 4 days apart. I'm beginning to think that this time her baby's going to be eating solids by the time I go into labor.
I decided to practice a little with my fancy new flash this week. I bought it to try to get some good indoor pics of the baby since the weather's been a bit unpredictable. Didn't know if I'd be able to take natural light photos outside. This is about to be a non-issue since we're just about done with winter here. Ha! And to think I bit some delivery guy's head off for not getting the flash here on it's scheduled delivery date....
So, I'll admit it....we let the kids veg out and watch tv in our bed with us after bath time in the evening. Sue me! This is probably a horrible habit I'm letting them form, but honestly, I remember doing this as a kid too, and I wasn't scarred by it. They'll be fine. Anyway, I thought the flash did a beautiful job! Before this I'd use a lightscoop to bounce the flash off the ceiling, and I was honestly impressed with how much better this flash did. At about 15 times the price of the light scoop, I was happy to find out I didn't waste my money!
Even the kids are tired of waiting for this baby to make it's debut. "/
So...since I made it to full term, my doctor allowed me to return to work. Gee...thanks a lot. Nothing better than returning to work right about when all you want to do is lay around and vegetate....Usually my return to work papers trigger an increase in oxytocin...not so much this time. Thank goodness my buddy Rachael has loaned me her work maternity clothes. I didn't have a lot of great options since I'm typically still in yoga pants when I go into labor. And I've gotten some interesting comments from complete strangers this time around since I've gotten so much bigger. I'm honestly shocked that people think it's okay to ask if I'm having more than 1 baby. One guy actually told me I look 15 months along! One man on the elevator in my building quietly said, "You know....You're starting to show..." That one actually made me laugh. :) But in the past week I honestly think people are starting to pity me! This pregnancy is no longer cute. I'm pretty sure it's now getting to the point of making others a little uncomfortable to look at. "/ I'd take a pic, but I'm already in my stretchy night clothes....maybe tomorrow.
The only awesome thing about getting off bed rest is getting to work out again! I've been super impressed by how fast I was able to get back into "shape". It feels great! Every day Josh calls to ask how I'm feeling, and I'll let him know that I spent 45 minutes on the elliptical and nothing's happening!!!!! It's so ironic to spend 6 weeks on bed rest so worried the baby would come early, just to get to this point and feel like the baby will never come....
Oh well...I figure I'm about 3 weeks away from a pina colada, and that makes me super happy! :)