Chickens Chickens Chickens 2!!!!

The fun continues!!!! I really thought this one deserved it’s own special post. Once the chicken shows are over, it’s time to slaughter the show chicks. This really is for the best. Trust me. Josh and I tried to keep some cornish crosses last year after the show, and it didn’t go well. Many of them became lame after just a month or 2. And then ones that didn’t just ended up dying from heat stress. We had one (Speedy). She was literally so tiny on slaughter day last year that it would have been silly to kill her. She made it 10 months. I was so attached to her. She was the highlight of the COVID lockdown for me. Just so fun to have around. There was a point in time where I’m a little embarrassed to say it, but I was taking more photos and video’s of her on my phone than I was of the kids…

None of these birds were Speedy material.

Last year Jen and Matt came to help us with the 60 or so birds we were slaughtering. This year we had twice the daunting task ahead of us. It really wouldn’t be possible for us to get it done in just one weekend without additional help. Fortunately, I have the best friends ever! Rachael and Brittney both stepped up to the challenge and enlisted their husbands! And Josh got a couple of guys from work to come along and help as well. It still took basically two exhausting days, but we got it done! And our 10 kids got to spend the weekend bonding and playing like crazy! It was such a fun weekend.

The best part for me though had to be when they surprised me with the #targetdresschallenge!

I spend quite a bit of my Facebook time on a group called Chickens Chickens Chickens, and one of the silliest things that occurred this year was this spontaneous challenge that came from these ridiculous dresses that Target was selling during the pandemic. They were straight out of an episode of Little House on the Prairie. Seriously…I’m not sure that anyone except for people from this chicken group were actually purchasing these dresses. And they were only buying them to take silly photos with their chickens. Or to put them on their husbands to take silly photos with their chickens. Anyway, I’d send photo after photo to Jen, Rachael, and Brittney in our group text, and we’d all laugh and laugh. Or at least they all humor me as I laughed anyway.

So imagine my surprise when like 80 chickens into slaughter day Jen walks out of the house in prairie dress!!! I totally lost it!!! And then Brittney came out in one, and Rachael too!!! All I could think was…”Oh my gosh…I want one too!!!” And they had one for me as well!!!!

So, Anna did our photoshoot. Please keep in mind the last post about how exhausting it was to raise 150 chickens…. I don’t look quite so strung out all the time!

Y’all!  Target put these on their racks!  It’s not Halloween!!!  But seriously, how great are these girls?  All this planning, and I had no idea!!!!

Y’all! Target put these on their racks! It’s not Halloween!!! But seriously, how great are these girls? All this planning, and I had no idea!!!!

I look like I’ve been doing most of the chores while Jen sleeps in.  lol.

I look like I’ve been doing most of the chores while Jen sleeps in. lol.

We quickly scrambled to braid our hair!

We quickly scrambled to braid our hair!

I have the flightiest, most non-friendly birds.  lol

I have the flightiest, most non-friendly birds. lol

Just holding my chicken and getting my hair braided.

Just holding my chicken and getting my hair braided.

My new FB cover photo.  Maybe the Chicken group will notice when I comment on and like their stuff.  :)

My new FB cover photo. Maybe the Chicken group will notice when I comment on and like their stuff. :)

The chicken had enough of it, and then we all laughed at ourselves.

The chickens had enough of it, and then we all laughed at ourselves.

What a weekend!!!!!

What a weekend!!!!!

Promise the 4th of July won’t be so stinky!!! Or so much work!!!!

Thank you so much for all of your help! Please, let me know when you need any disgusting thing taken care of at your house. I will be there!

And thank you for making my prairie dress photo shoot dream come true!