Stuff I Missed!
I was dumping some photos off my camera the other day and noticed a few folders sitting in my “to be processed” area in Lightroom. “/ I never do that. Somehow I just got behind, and I guess was never intending to get caught up. It was such a busy spring semester that I swear I’m just now getting myself together.
Way back in March we went to the County fair back in my hometown again to watch my niece’s show their chickens and to have fun at the carnival. The weather was so funky this year. A cold front blew through not long after we got to the carnival, and after that it just stayed windy and gross. So, I was bummed I wasn’t able to get great photos. Which is maybe why I left them unprocessed for so long. But today when I was sorting through them I noticed I did catch some pretty fun moments.
I also noticed the folder of Meredith’s preschool graduation pictures had gone ignored.
And then there was Anna’s birthday, which wasn’t really that long ago. :)
And now we’re all caught up again. :)