Wallace's Birthday
My posts are all out of order. Wallace’s birthday was back in April, but I got a little behind on my photo editing with Jesse’s wedding. Oh well.
This year Wallace basically wanted a repeat of last year’s birthday, so back to the train museum we went. :)
Anna had a soccer game that got in the way, so she missed the museum…But Meredith did her best to make up for her absence!
James, Lauren, and Rachael went with us again! Thanks for coming guys! It really wouldn’t be as much fun without you!
Hommie seriously seems to know all of the parts of the trains, and he was so excited to name them all off to me.
I’m fairly certain this little girl thought Wallace was about to get this train moving!
They loved all of the model trains again.
And this guy was the best about identifying and answering all of their questions about every little doo-dad they pointed at and said “what’s that?”
He rang the bell a hundred times.
So tired.
Yep. We’re classy train people now.
And then back to the house for cake and swimming. Wallace wanted the same train cake he had a few years ago. I made it a little longer this time!
Anna made it for this part of the party. :)
He got the engine. :)
Sometimes I look at him, and he suddenly appears to be 5 inches taller. But he still kisses and hugs me, and for now he’s bearing with me as I insist on reading Harry Potter to him at night, even though he’d prefer to read solely about trains. The Hogwarts Express was like Chapter 6…all of the magic in Chapter 11 is not nearly as captivating for this guy. lol.
You’re growing up so fast, bud! Happy birthday!!!