I can't believe it's already here! Anna's playing t-ball! T-ball is hilarious. And there's just no sense in being competitive. The kids are so unpredictable. At one point during their game today 2 of our boys playing 2nd base and shortstop, just started racing each other out to the left field fence. Haha! They've had two practices so far, and it's amazing how quickly they improve. Day one it was all about here's how you put on your glove, here's 1st base, here's a ball, try to throw it.
For Anna's second at-bat, she was actually tagged out on her way to 1st, but it's so non-competitive that when she didn't leave the base to go back to the dugout, they let her just stay in and "run" the bases. She was actually tagged out 4 times in all as she made her way around, but she never seemed to notice. :)