Cascarone Time!
Easter with Josh's family has developed into a day of getting smashed on the head with cascarones. :) The kids love this. I think Josh brought a couple of dozen a few years ago, and now every one of the kids gets their own personal dozen eggs. It's funny to see how some, like Anna, horde their eggs until everyone else is done, and how others, like Tanner, use up their dozen in less than 30 seconds. Ha! Usually the kids refrain from getting me, but even I was a target this year! Confetti was everywhere...and I mean everywhere...
Anna has this pouring technique that she likes to use.
Poor Tanner. He brings this on himself really. :)
Haha! They're not for everyone...
Poor Cy...he really seems to hate the cascarone thing. "/
No one is safe from the cascarones.
No one....
Anna was so sweet. She'd wipe Meredith's head off every now and then.
Aside from the cascarones, the kids had a great time playing with the puppies Leah's got leftover from the last litter. Anna was especially fond of this fluffy little guy.
Wouldn't leave him alone all day....
And there was also the egg hunt. :)
And the candy sorting...
Anna (who's suddenly decided she doesn't like candy) was super pleased to find a couple of dollars!
After a little coaxing, Meredith decided she likes kitkats. :)