Christmas with a 4-year-old in the house is a game-changer! When Anna was 1, 2 and 3, we could get a lot past her, but this year....not so much. She's been so excited about the whole concept of Christmas, it's actually quite contagious. Not that long ago Josh and I hadn't even bothered to put up a tree. That soooo would not have flown with 4-year-old Anna around.
So, I decided to give the rental 20mm lens a second chance. I spent nearly all of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with it on and slowly got acclimated to it. It was actually nice because I could get the entire room in shots if I wanted to, and the pictures improved throughout the day. I found myself getting right up in the kids' faces at times though. Lucky for me, they are apparently used to this, and so it didn't seem to phase them too much.
Can't believe Christmas is over already. :( I was telling Anna today that we would need to start taking down the decorations soon, and she was pretty upset by that. I've assured her it will come back around next year though, and that seems to have pacified her for now.