Renting lenses for the holidays
Since the rental place was having a promotion, I decided to rent a couple of lenses I've had my eye on for a while. I rented a 20mm f/2.8 and a 180mm f/2.8. After about 2 seconds I decided the 20mm and I weren't going to get along. I think my vision is just so poor that wide angle lenses bore and frustrate me. I have a ridiculously difficult time getting them to focus on what I want them to focus on. I'll give it another try before I send it back, but it kind of felt like I was looking through the wrong end of a set of binoculars.
The 180 on the other hand...I LOVE LOVE LOVE! I wasn't so sure that it was focusing on what I wanted it to when I took it out to take some pics of Anna and my nieces in the back yard, but when I pulled the pics up on the computer they didn't look half bad! And that's even with my slightly unsteady hand! I am thinking this will be a good lens for me for outdoor sports for the kids when they get bigger.
All of these were shot with the 180, and I was about 50 feet away from the kids, which is awesome because I can take pics without being a distraction!
My sister's kids crack me up. I'm not sure if they are extremely well camera-trained...or the complete opposite. They refuse to ignore the fact that I am there. :) But for the purpose of testing out this lens, it was perfect. Carson kept finding new places to pose for me.
I just happened to have it super-glued onto the camera (I seriously don't think I'm going to remove the 180 until I am forced to put it back in the mail....) when Josh pulled out some fireworks.