New Casts! Yay!
Today Anna got her new set of casts, and everything I thought would suck didn't, and everything I thought she'd like was not so great...
We started the day off by waking up late (6:00AM!) and leisurely making our way to Granny's house to drop off Meredith and Wallace. Then I decided to get some shots of Anna in her old casts before we left to get them replaced.
Our first stop was the orthotics measurement appointment. The sign out front said orthotics and prosthesis, and as we walked up I had a moment of panic that they might have prostheses just sort of out in the open, used as educational tools or decorations...I figured that would completely freak Anna out. Thankfully, I'm an idiot...this was not the case at all.
I'd assumed Anna would be totally cool with the whole cast removal process since she'd handled it fine the first time they cut one off at the ortho, but she was hysterical for the first minute of it. She was pretty much a ball of tears for this entire appointment. :( I'd figured she would really enjoy it (casts coming off....picking out the color and pattern she wanted for the orthotics), but good grief...I was wrong wrong wrong....
So, like I said...everything I thought she'd like she hated, but then she wasn't upset at all to get the new casts! We ended up having a pretty nice day together. :)