Toe-Walking Update and then some...
Well...Anna's had her casts on for almost 3 weeks now, and holy wow a 4-year old can destroy some casts!
They are so dirty and stinky! Her doctor only changes them out after 3 weeks, so she'll get some new ones next Tuesday! I've just about got her talked into matching them to her Halloween costume, so we'll see if she still thinks that's a cool idea next week.
Really praying they give her a new set of boots too! One of the straps looks like it's about to completely come off.
She's almost stopped complaining about the casts. Every now and then she'll play too much and then I guess her legs swell a little and they bother her. But she's been very pleased with all of the attention her casts get her. She seemed to accept them on the 3rd day when I took her to the grocery store, and she noticed all of the people looking at her. She commented to me about it, and the complaining died down considerably after that.
I was a little bummed when I noticed her attempting to walk on her toes during week 2. She actually said to me with a sigh..."Mommy...I just like to walk on my toes..." I'm not sure if that's what caused this or not, but she's managed to crack both of her casts around her toes. "/ I called the doctor on Monday and was assured that as long as the casts are still solid around her ankles then she's still good to go, but it's a little alarming to see that she managed to break these things! They are super hard!
Seriously determined to walk on her toes. On a side cute are all the little kid signatures! :)
She can get herself into a run, a funny run, but it's a run. She struggled in the first week with things like climbing into the truck and up on the bar stools, but she's got all of that figured out now. Honestly, the hardest thing about all of this is her baths. Homegirl probably weighs 45 pounds, and I have to lower her into the tub and then pick her back up out of it...that's a real workout!
Meanwhile...Little Miss Meredith appears to have developed some sort of food intolerances...maybe... This stuff is a bit difficult to pinpoint. It's given me a whole new appreciation for people with food allergies. After 2 weeks of me going completely dairy free (not easy for a dairy-lover) she ended up breaking out in hives all over her body yesterday! Talk about scary! So, I ran her into the doctor and today we ended up at the allergist. They did a panel for food allergies, and then left the room for 15 minutes. I've never seen one of these tests done before, only heard about them. My Mom and I sat there staring at all of the red bumps totally freaking out and not knowing what any of it meant! Looked like she had 14 raging mosquito bites on her back. The nurse came back in, looked a bit alarmed, and started measuring them. She ended up getting the doctor and together they deduced that Meredith must have ridiculously sensitive skin. She even reacted to the saline control! That is apparently not normal. The doctor is fairly certain she's not allergic to, she goes in for blood work tomorrow. The mystery continues... Fortunately, she hasn't seemed fazed by any of this. She's remained super happy and gaining weight, so I'll just keep praying that she's just a really stubborn eater with a very sensitive system.