Joe's Birthday
Last weekend the kids and I did something we haven’t done in ages….we piled in the car and went somewhere! To Gilmer! It was Joe’s 70th birthday, and so the family got together for a small celebration.
We even got to go to one of Bodie’s football games! I miss going to high school football games so much. I feel like I went to a million when I was a kid. My sisters and I were pretty spread out in age, so I started going to them before I even started having memories. I remember watching Jenny perform with the drill team when I was like 4 or 5. And then we’d go watch Sarah’s boyfriend play when she was in high school. But my Mom, being a teacher at the high school, always worked at the games, and she always worked the high school section, so I felt like such a badass getting to hang out in that area all through elementary and middle school.
At Bodie’s game, Big Momma got the kids all kinds of goodies...the best were the horns she bought all the girls so they could drive everyone sitting around us away. lol. Not that anyone was actually sitting near us. It’s kind of nice not being all crammed into places, but a little weird going to a varsity football game in a small town and there only being about 25% attendance. Regardless, there was a fight on the field, and Gilmer won the game! So all in all, a very eventful and exciting night!
Then the next day was all about prep for the party. Well, sort of. Josh’s Mom did most of it while Wallace and I played Monopoly. The girls hung out at Sarah’s all day to play with the new puppies, and so it was just me and Wallace at the big house. It was kind of fun getting some special time with just him. And we played “friendly” Monopoly, so our game lasted hours, and we didn’t get into a family feud. :) All you have to do is only buy one house per property, and don’t buy them for the expensive properties. This prevents bankruptcy and tears.
Then we watched our favorite movie together…Thor Ragnarok…and then it was time for the birthday party!
And some pictures! The game horns got a lot of love all weekend long!
My personal fav. :)
I’m so glad the kids ended up having a random Friday off school and we got to have a nice relaxing long weekend in Gilmer. Happy birthday Joe-Joe! You don’t look a day over 29!