Easter in Gilmer this year was a bit of a whirlwind. We didn't leave town until Saturday, and right as we were about to leave, Meredith managed to run into the granite counter top with her teeth. "/ We called the emergency dentist line, and they were nice enough to talk us through what to do to get her tooth back into about the right place. She'd hit the counter so hard that it pushed one of her front middle teeth back a couple of millimeters. It was super loose and bloody, but Josh got it just about right back where it was supposed to be. He was pretty convinced it was just going to fall right out of her mouth because it was so loose, but here we are a week later, and it's still in place!
So, needless to say, we got a late start on our drive to Gilmer. A short 6 hours later, we were there, and jumping on the trampoline at Leah's house. As if I was going to be able to keep Meredith off of it. I would flinch every time she took a hard fall...expecting her to look up at me with a gap-toothed smile for the next 4 years or so. And, I frankly hovered over her for a while, but there's just not much that will hold Meredith back when she's got her mind set on something. Like jumping her heart out on a trampoline. :)
Of course, she wasn't the only one. Gosh...I really think I need to get a new trampoline...My kids go crazy for them!
Easter morning we hung out with Josh's Mom for a little while. She had some worms in her fridge for Cy to fish with, and Wallace and Meredith had so much fun playing with them. They get very attached to any little creature they find and want them to be a life-long pet.
I'm pretty sure this little guy made the 6-hour drive back and is in my fridge at this very moment.
Then we had Easter lunch and the Easter egg hunt over at Sarah Faye's new place. It's beautiful. And there's even a pond! I'm so jealous!
Josh hates when I take photos of him, but this was just so adorable! And he didn't even flip me off, which is how he usually gets me to stop taking his photo. Lol.
And then they hunted eggs! There are so many kids, there ends up being eggs just everywhere for them. You can sort of see them dotted around the yard in the background here. This was even after the yard had been picked over quite a bit. :)
Enjoying their loot. :)
And then the annual coscarone fight!
So, like I said, it was a whirlwind. It was totally worth it though. Easter in Gilmer is always a great time full of family and food and good times. :)