Catching up!
It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. A strange break from the usual monotony. We had Easter in Gilmer, and then the next weekend I left for a cruise with Jen! So, I'm just now getting to sit down and get through my photos.
I didn't get too many pics of the Easter egg hunt...but the funniest thing about it was Leah's puppy had gone around and busted into many of the eggs before the hunt started. Haha!
He remained on the prowl the entire time the kids were out there.
I also got to take some pictures of baby Nora while we were there! :)
She's just like Hayden and Cy....super active and mobile!
And cute. :)
The Friday after Easter was Anna's field trip to the zoo! I was so excited because the zoo is fairly close to where I work, so it was nice and easy to get over there and then back to work that day! Oh, and Anna finally had enough of her hair. Thank goodness! I've so missed the bob.
I'm not sure what kind of flamengos these were, but they were all looking up. Haha! It was funny.
And then there was the cruise. I didn't get many photos on the cruise...probably because Jen and I parked it on the old people deck and read for the majority of the trip. It was so relaxing. :) The deck was nice and shady and there was a bar and a restroom right near by.
We went on a tour when the ship docked in Progresso. My favorite part of the tour of Merida was these. I need to find them in SA.
I also found it very comical and somewhat comforting to see all of the American stores when we got farther inland on the tour. :)
The day after we got back from the cruise was Wallace's field trip! I managed to make it to both kids' field trips! Yay!
His field trip was to Morgan's Wonderland, and this place was amazing! All sorts of fun rides and activities and playgrounds.
And unlimited train rides! Wallace was in heaven. Oh, and Jen and her Mom came along with me. :)
I pulled a typical Theresa move and let Wallace pick his own lunch of cotton candy, Funyons, and a big lollipop.
And then yesterday we had a birthday party for Wallace at the house. I was doing a pretty terrible job of planning it, so thankfully Jen was still in town and helped out a bunch! And she even made the cake! :)
You wouldn't believe how stressed out she got over the icing. :) It turned out great!
Even though he doesn't look like it, he was excited...just bummed that we wouldn't let him touch it.
Our little group of friends has procreated extensively over the past few years. Even without Jen's boys there, we had 6 kids at the house (including our three). Kids really make a kid birthday more fun. :)
Wallace was so worried Meredith was about to blow out his candles the whole time we were singing the birthday song to him.
Apparently he should have been more worried about Anna. "/ Oh! Anna got glasses! It's been a busy couple of weeks.
Rachael even brought a pinata! My friends really pulled this party together for me! :)
Haha! I didn't even see this had happened until I was going through the photos.. :)
Kids love pinatas.
Except for Lauren.... Maybe she's just freaked out by dinosaurs...
Happy birthday buddy. :)
It's so funny how nothing really happens for months and then all of a sudden all of the exciting stuff happens in a matter of just a couple of weeks. :)