One busy day!
Meredith's birthday was last Wednesday. The Ides of March. I just love that her birthday falls on a day like that. :) Josh was out of town all week, and rather than wait for the weekend, we ended up just doing a small party for her at my Mom's house that night. Anna actually ended up planning the party! She made a little list of all the things we needed, made party hats, and even invited a couple of guests. She was so into this birthday party for Meredith. It was adorable.
She started blowing out her candles before we were done singing. :) I'm not proud to say it, but this was the first birthday that I didn't make a homemade cake... This Costco cake was amazeballs though! Wallace picked it out. He really wanted to eat those big icing flowers.
The day ended up being a long one. I'd managed to squeeze Anna into an ENT appointment to take another look at her tonsils. Turns out that for now she can keep them. Her tonsils are ridiculously large, and I worry that someday she's going to hate me for not having them removed while she's young. So every couple of years I have the doctor check them out and calm me down.
Anna was so excited to get to go to work with me that morning. I assure her that work is fairly boring, but she always thinks it's so fun.
She does little art projects.
And this time, a co-worker had her daughter there at the same time since it was spring break. So the two of them ended up under Celine's desk watching a movie on the iPad, giggling, and making fast friends. The two of them have planned a summer play date at the downtown park already. :)
She was kind of over me taking her picture at the doctor's office. "Mom....Stop taking my picture!"
So after that I took her back to my Mom's and finished off my day at work. Then I picked up Meredith for her first ever dentist appointment....on her birthday! What was I thinking???
This dentist office is pretty cool though. And these two kids were so nice to her even though she interrupted their video game.
Wallace insisted on coming along so he could play with all of the toys too. "Oh...Meredith's going to the dentist? Can I come too???"
Even though it was a little tough to get her in the chair, she ended up doing great!
And then it was finally party time!!! She ended up opening her presents as soon as we got to my Mom's. They were all sitting out. As if this girl was going to eat first. :)
I don't think she's ever gotten this many gifts at once. And for the first time I felt so confident that I'd gotten her stuff she'd like because Anna helped me pick everything out! She was so good. She spent time with each and every gift she got.
She ate a lot of cake and ice cream!
Over the weekend when I took Anna with me to shop for gifts, she'd decided she wanted to make Meredith a gift. And she decided on making her blocks. So I cut and sanded them all, and then we took them to Granny's and she and Granny (mostly Granny) painted them all just the way Anna wanted them. Anna was getting so offended at the party because the blocks were literally the very last thing that Meredith sat down to play with... I was worried she might not at all, but then she finally did.
She would build towers and Wallace would knock them over.
Anna's trying to play it cool here, but she was elated inside. :)
Happy bithday Meredith!!!