Flash Work
Well, after the random success I had with the direct flash when the kids were playing with smoke balls, I decided to try to recreate that today. Josh was working on cleaning out the garage, and so I figured we should all be outside with him anyway. He ended up putting me to work, so my picture time was cut short. Oh well. I think the sun was a little too high anyway.
You might be wondering why she has a pen in her mouth. Well, Anna's an interesting bird. For no reason whatsoever, she decided to bring a pen and paper, and of all things, a hamper to write on. She proceeded to ask me what all of my favorite things were one subject at a time and wrote them down. But I had to spell them out for her. "What's your favorite animal?" "What's your favorite thing to do?" "What's your favorite flower?"
I ended up converting nearly all of my keepers to black and white this time. I think the flash looks kind of interesting in B&W.