Meredith (my little monster)

I think Little Miss Meredith has hit her terrible 2's early.  At least I'm praying that's what this is anyway.  She's almost 2 going on 13.  Fits are unbelievable and typically include throwing stuff.  But she's so cute, and she's my youngest, so it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it probably would have if Anna or Wallace would have done the same things.  They gave us fantastic 2's and terrible 3's.  Maybe she's hitting it early because I haven't brought home a new baby on her.  She's also an avid climber.  She scales just about everything in the house.  I frequently find her playing in the kitchen sink (like standing in it and grabbing dishes) or dancing on the dining room table.  

Homegirl is a mess.  So, tonight when she lost it over apparently nothing, it wasn't too surprising.  I took her to a different room to calm her down without distractions and after singing one song to her she calmed down and then she saw Wallace's tractor and left me for it.  

I haven't pulled the camera out in a couple of weeks, and she was in a decent mood, so I got some of pics of her just doing her thing.  Meredith has spent many days in a diaper.  She's my third....why bother dressing her.   ;)  I'm just kidding...she's usually at least got a shirt on.  Or maybe pants.  But rarely both unless we are going out in public.  :)  And we had spaghetti for dinner, so there's still some on her face.