This year for Thanksgiving we got 2 Thanksgivings again! One with the Larson's at Eric's ranch, and one with the Bell's up in Blanco. Josh's Mom came down early with all the cousins, so Anna went to hang out with them for a few days in Blanco. And for some reason when we only have two kids, they get along like peas and carrots.
What's up with that? When we have all 3 of them there are always at least 2 that are fighting over something...and they definitely never share an iPad.
I only got photos at Thursday's Thanksgiving. Josh took my Mom, sister, all of the kids, and I on a tour of the ranch. The main house has a really pretty overlook, so I decided to try to get some pictures of all the kids. It always ends up being way more difficult than what I imagine in my head. I was just going to let it happen naturally. A few of them sat on the wall...
Then another joined in...
Then when she switched seats Wallace got a little miffed. "/ I didn't realize he had been so rude until I was going back through the photos...
Not too worry. She can defend herself!
Sarah's girls.
We tried distracting them with some guitars thinking maybe it would stop some of the fighting...
It seemed to work.
Then Meredith got usual. I think it was because she didn't immediately get to hold a guitar. Her fits around Josh are a little more subdued. She tends to just silently, but dramatically, fall to the ground. When he isn't there it's accompanied by crying.
Josh dusted her off and put her on the bench with the rest of them.
Ha! And look at that. Zero children smiling for the camera. :)
It's kind of amazing. Not 1 out of 7...
This was the best one. Anna was dunzo.
Or maybe she just wanted to hold a guitar....
So, Anna decided she wanted us to adopt a scout elf this year...
Guess who came today! :) I wish I'd of taken the camera to the mail box. She and Wallace were sooooo excited when they saw the box.
I have a feeling the no touching thing will be difficult for Wallace and Meredith. Sheila (Anna named her) will need to select only very high places to perch on this year.
Tonight she's getting caught up on her college football. :)