The last day of cheer

Today was the championship football game.  Our last day of cheer for the season.  It's kind of funny, but I think I might end up missing cheer more than Anna.  I've had a good time with it.  

I think what Anna has enjoyed the most about cheer is half time.

Half time is snack time, shade time (it's been a very hot season), rest time....all those good things.    And today they got a special treat!  A megaphone!

Half time is snack time, shade time (it's been a very hot season), rest time....all those good things.    And today they got a special treat!  A megaphone!

Last week when we went to the high school football game, during half time she turned and asked me where the football team was.  So, I told her it was half time.  She looked back at the field and said "oh...they're having their snack."  Haha!  

I not so secretly hope Anna wants to do cheer again next year, which is such a departure from the dread I felt that day that she came home from school with the flier telling us that she wanted to do this.  

I not so secretly hope Anna wants to do cheer again next year, which is such a departure from the dread I felt that day that she came home from school with the flier telling us that she wanted to do this.  

Peace out cheer bucket, pom-poms, hair bows, cheer shoes, bloomers, hair spray...   :(

Peace out cheer bucket, pom-poms, hair bows, cheer shoes, bloomers, hair spray...   :(