Busy Saturdays....
I haven't posted in a while. I haven't taken pictures in a while... Things have been busy around here! The kids activity schedule is a bit much this fall. I'm sure many parents have made the mistake of overextending themselves and their kids right? People warn you about it, but you figure you can handle it. Well...let me tell you...Three activities in one season is TOO much! Anna is in cheer, soccer, and swim, and Wallace is in soccer and swim. We have practices Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, and overlapping games on Saturdays. It's horrible. What a mistake. Anna has literally started asking me "Mom...when is our day off?" :(
As a rule I pretty much hate soccer. I didn't play it as a kid, I can't get into on TV, and I have no motivation to go outside and play it with the kids. On Wednesdays when we have soccer practice, Anna and Wallace are practicing with two different teams at the same time in the same general location, but just far enough apart that I can't really be a part of either practice and watch Meredith even with Josh's help. We managed to loose Meredith one day at practice for a solid minute, so every since then she pretty much takes priority. I usually have no idea how good or bad Anna and Wallace are doing.
Today's schedule for Anna had us at cheer at 9:00am in Fredericksburg, and then back home for soccer by 10:50. We had to leave cheer early and literally rolled into soccer just in time for the team photos which were being taken right before the game. When I found out we had cheer in Fredericksburg at the beginning of the season, I had plans to stop by my favorite vineyard and pick up some wine when we finished up. Stupid soccer ruining my plans....
I'm loving their new sweat shirts!
Meredith at the football games... She steals other kids' toys. "/
"I love you Spider Man...I know you belong to that little boy, but please be mine..."
Like I said...we got to soccer just in time for team photos...Anna changed as I drove down the road. She ended up making herself car sick.
And yes, I was that parent behind the photographer with my fancy camera taking the same photo, well..a similar photo. I'm sure that irritates the crap out of these poor guys. Whatever, he wanted $15 for a digital version of this pic. Highway robbery!
I LOVE this picture of them!
On a side note...I love Anna's coach. She isn't serious at all, which is just perfect for us. If Meredith runs through practice and steals people's soccer balls, she doesn't even bat an eye at it. In fact she tells me Meredith can keep on doing it. For this being Anna's first year, I think if she had anyone slightly competitive it just wouldn't have worked out.
Wallace's game started about 45 minutes before Anna's, so I missed his team photos, but I did get to catch a little of his game. I don't really get to watch him much because I'm usually travelling with Anna on Saturdays for cheer.
Not sure where he picked up that scratch on his cheek...
So, Wallace isn't so great at soccer... He really likes to tangle himself up in the net though!
must be a sensory thing...
He played for me for a bit. His team was WINNING today. We don't keep score, but it was like 83-2.
Wallace's bear crawl/run is really impressive. We have a couple of ringers on our team, so he can get away with stuff like this. :)
After his game finished up we walked over to watch Anna play.
Oh my gosh...I'm sooooo car sick."
So, Anna's non-competitive nature extends to soccer. I'm pretty sure the only sport I've seen her get competitive with is swim. And they don't really compete yet, but she's figured out that she's the fastest one in her class, so she doesn't really let the other kids beat her across the pool if she can help it. It makes me so proud! :)
So, after that busy morning, all I wanted to do was sit on my butt and watch some football. And that's pretty much what I've done. :) Multiple sports = bad idea!!!!