Anna's First Day of Kinder!
What a bittersweet day. Although I teared up a little, Anna's first day of Kinder was super exciting for her. She's got a fabulous teacher that's very huggy and affectionate with all of the kids. Anna responds so well to that. Her very first teacher in pre-school was the same way, and she really flourished, so I'm very excited to see what this year holds for her.
I was only able to get a handful of pictures. We had our hands full with all 3 kids that morning.
Now that I look at this...I should have had her wear her backpack... "/
It's a pretty exciting pack! Rainbow Dash has ears that stick up off of it at the top!
I've asked her all week if she's made any friends, and she says "yes!" and counts them for me, but she can't remember their names yet. :)
Anna's pretty bad about telling me about her day, but I've figured out that if I ask her as we are laying down to go to sleep, she'll open up and start talking...probably because she's trying to avoid going to sleep. ;)