Wedding bells :)
My sister got married yesterday! It was a very small ceremony, and I loved it! I love tiny weddings. Not that I didn't love my own wedding and all, but tiny weddings really are the best.
Jenny and Bruce were planning on it being only them and the minister but decided to tell us about it almost as a courtesy, and then we all started to just invite ourselves. :)
I took my camera along, but didn't have much hope for it since I knew it was going to be an indoor, evening wedding. Jen suggested I try to use my flash. Not knowing how much I'd love using my flash, I bought an SB400. It's fairly inexpensive, and it's pretty great for around the house....I've basically loved it up until recently. I've got a few projects I want to try out, and I'm starting to discover it's limitations... It's just not as versatile as I'd like it to be. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work off camera, and when it gets overheated it can take around 3 seconds to recharge. That's like an eternity for me. "/ Maybe my batteries were low last night, but it was honestly taking forever between shots to be ready to fire.
With all that said...It did an awesome job!
I got some really great shots...If I do say so myself. ;)
Lately Anna's been on this kick where she randomly says, "I don't want to get old, and I don't want to get married!" Like out of the blue. I don't know...maybe I look super old and she doesn't think my life is as glamorous as what she's wanting for herself or something... I can't figure out where it's coming from. It sounds like she thinks marriage will just happen to you even if you don't want a disease. Ha!
Anyway, when I first told her we were going to Jenny's wedding, she was like "What?! Why is she getting married?!" But I think the anticipation of seeing an actual wedding started to get to her. And she saw that we were all looking forward to it and speaking positively about it. We decided to head to Houston the morning of the wedding. It wasn't until 6pm, but we wanted to get there in time to join Jenny at the hair salon and spend a little time with her. Of course this would be the day that the kids all wake up it was a struggle to finish getting packed and get them all and both of the dogs in the car. I kept saying "ugh...we are running so late!" I think Anna picked up on that because then she got all concerned that we were going to be late to the actual wedding. I dropped the dogs off at the kennel, picked up Granny, and we made the long drive to Houston. Anna kept saying, "oh no....we're going to be late for the wedding..." I assured her that wasn't the case.
We made it there in plenty of time, met Jenny up at the salon and spent some time chitchatting while she was getting primped. Then I decided Meredith's cold she's been harboring for a week had just gotten too bad for me. It looked like it had moved into her eyes. She woke up with crusty eyes for the second day in a row that morning, and by this point the whites were starting to turn pink and she had some swelling around them. :( I decided to run her over to the urgent care clinic to see what they thought. It was only 3:30, so I still had plenty of time.
There were no other patients at the clinic, so we got in and out and ran to the pharmacy to get her eye drops. Then I headed to the hotel and my nephew brought Granny and the other 2 kids there so we could all change real quick. I guess I forgot how spread out Houston is. Guess who was 30 minutes late to the wedding??? Good thing I also made the bride's son late. They waited on us. I felt so bad, and I'm beginning to think Anna might be psychic.
So, Wallace was being a little fussy and then started trying to write in the hymnals, so I couldn't really get up and move around or take as many shots as I wanted to, but I'm pretty happy with the results.
I think it's a good thing that the first wedding Anna will remember was so low-key. :)
Thank goodness Madison and Dallas were able to help me out with the kids and driving them and Granny around while I handled Meredith. Look at Meredith's sad, puffy eyes....
I caught hommie standing still for one second while he and Anna were running around the church after the wedding.
Two minutes later he face-planted into the altar. :( This poor kid. He's got this big red strawberry on one side of his nose today. On a side note....props to Sarah for figuring out my camera. Since I switched to back-button-focus, people will pick it up and be like "what the heck?...never mind."
I'm so glad Jenny told us about her nuptials in advance. It would have been so weird to not have been a part of them.
Love you 'sis! Congratulations!