Thanksgiving at Eric's

We get 2 Thanksgivings this year!  The one today at Eric's and another tomorrow in Blanco!  Yay!  So much turkey.  :)  

So, what do you do when it's November in Texas?

Play in the swimming pool, of course!  :)  She ended up completed soaked...

Play in the swimming pool, of course!  :)  She ended up completed soaked...

Wallace just stripped.

Wallace just stripped.

Supposedly we're about to get a cold front...  We'll see.

Eric has a karaoke machine!  

I'm a little surprised that Wallace liked it so much.  All he would do was count, but still!  Maybe he's not as much of an introvert as I thought.

I'm a little surprised that Wallace liked it so much.  All he would do was count, but still!  Maybe he's not as much of an introvert as I thought.

Sarah Faye treated us to some Vanilla Ice.  :)

Sarah Faye treated us to some Vanilla Ice.  :)

Eric's shuffleboard is also very popular! Who doesn't love shuffleboard?

Wallace just liked playing with the sand.

Wallace just liked playing with the sand.

I feel like I've known Valerie and her girls for years now.  I met her girls when they were so young!  One was asleep when we took this pic...  Tryptophan.  ;)

I feel like I've known Valerie and her girls for years now.  I met her girls when they were so young!  One was asleep when we took this pic...  Tryptophan.  ;)

I think I've figured out how to get Wallace to eat....put food on a stick!  He sat here and chowed down, and so Josh put some ham on stick, and he ate it too!

I think I've figured out how to get Wallace to eat....put food on a stick!  He sat here and chowed down, and so Josh put some ham on stick, and he ate it too!

Anna took some pictures again today.  I usually put the camera on all auto for her, but the dim lighting from the cloudy day made that impossible today.  So, I ended up leaving it on manual and just took the camera off back button autofocus, which means she needed to get whatever she wanted in focus in the little box in the view finder.  She got some cute pics.  Adults are a lot more willing to ham it up for a kid with a camera.  :)  These next two are hers.

Thank goodness he wasn't shooting the bird!  ;)  And way to use the rule of thirds, Anna!

Thank goodness he wasn't shooting the bird!  ;)  And way to use the rule of thirds, Anna!

Woohoo! Let's do it all again tomorrow!!

Woohoo! Let's do it all again tomorrow!!