Momma's got a new Computer!
So, it finally happened. The computer that Josh and I built the month before our wedding crapped out. :( I still remember the night we put it together, so watching it die has been so sad. The poor thing just got slower and slower and slower. And fewer and fewer of the USBs would work on it, until finally none of them worked, and I couldn't even log in. That coupled with the final marathon editing session I had on it one evening caused me to go crying to Josh that I couldn't take it anymore. I decided against a Mac since I never use one and feel rather stupid every time I try to use anyone else's. A couple of my buddies who have them at home, and not at work, tend to be pretty frustrated by them as well. So, I decided to build a PC. Well...not me. I took a stab at selecting components and sent them over to a computer guru that my Mom knows just to make sure they would all jive, and he assured me that what I was thinking of buying would be an insane amount of overkill. So, I took his advice and asked him to build it, and voila! Almost done. ;) One of my memory chips is faulty, so I'm currently "limping" along with only 8Gs of memory. This is such a vast improvement from where I was that I think the full 16Gs will blow my mind once I get the new chip installed! Anyway...enough about all that!
The past two months haven't been too crazy, but some fun things have happened.
Wallace wrote on the Expedition with a red sharpie! It was all over 3 sides of it. Thank goodness it was dirty and the grime killed the sharpie before he could do even more damage. This kid.... And, yes...I managed to get the sharpie off. :)
Anna's in fall t-ball. This might sound bad, but I kind of nudged her toward this over soccer. Geez, I just hate soccer....
Her first night game! Oh...and #7 is Anna's doppelganger...but he's a boy, so that's a little awkward. ;)
Still working on my flare. I've got a ways to go, but Anna's night game gave me a couple of opportunities.
I know it looks like she's totally whiffing, but this was a practice swing. :)
Anna and I went to the Wildlife Ranch with Sarah Faye and her kids. It was a lot of fun! They have sooooo many giraffes there!
Look how close you could get to them!
There was also a "safari". I didn't realize what we were going to be doing at the Wildlife Ranch. I hadn't googled it at all. So, when I realized it was a safari I was pretty pumped!
The safari was hilarious. It was a giant traffic jam! And even though they tell you not to feed the animals by hand, they are so flippin tame....
I mean this guy has it made. Just lay here by the road and people throw pellets all day long. He doesn't even need to stand up. Ha!
There were some idiots there. I'm sure this sign was necessitated by one of them back in the day.
It got a little crazy around the ostriches. They are fairly close to the end, and people's road-rage tendencies were starting to flare by this point...which was just plain stupid because the animals were so tame they were all walking in among the cars and forcing them to pretty much stop and wait.
Can you see the pellet flying through the air toward its face? It actually caught many of these!
One of Sarah's boys noticed how much their antlers resembled a rainbow. :)
Anyway...Wildlife Ranch...lots of fun. I recommend it, but be sure to budget like 2 hours for the safari, and leave your road rage at home!
And then there's Halloween! No more preschool parades for Anna...
but hommie's still in it!
Last year was the year of Elsa's at the preschool parade.
This was the year of crying preschoolers! It was like one started wailing and then pretty soon 2 classes were in tears. Ha!
Poor Spidey... :(
I continue to crash and burn at getting good pics of all 3 kids at once.
And I did not realize how much Meredith would look like a boy in her Indian costume. Probably should have waited until she had enough hair for a pony tail before trying out something like this. Ha!
I put some LED lights around each of the kids, and I think I'm going to do this every year. It made it so much easier to spot them while they were trick or treating! all of our mutual friends already know, Jen came to Texas!!! She already did a blog about how we did our trip to Fredericksburg (which quite frankly was way more fun than I thought it would be...I was a little worried it might be sort of a stiff/dull trip...not so much...), but I thought I would share a few more of our selfies from the trip. She was nice and didn't share the outtakes, but we each got copies of the pics, and many of them were just too funny. :) Sorry Jen.
Let's do this chronologically...
The day started out well enough. :)
Stop 2...
he he he... :) Good grief 6 wine tastings per vineyard, and a roadie with each one....We were doomed.
Stop 3...We were getting braver with our selfies. We straight up set our tripod up in front of a lot of people. Anyone who knows me and Jen knows that would not have happened under typical circumstances.
Last vineyard of the day....
I'm surprised my teeth aren't purple.
I'm so glad we did our selfie-vineyard trip! Even more glad I decided to go ahead and take the next day off work. ;)
Well, needless to say, I'm so excited to have a computer again! Thanks for getting me squared away with it all Andrew! So glad you accept payment in the form of cookies!