Picture time with Meredith!
Today Meredith made her first tripod (she barely got herself sitting up kind of on one hip with one arm down and the other held out for balance)...but by the time I ran to grab the camera and got back to her, she was back on her tummy. She has yet to do it again. In all honesty, it wasn't a fabulous tripod, but it was still a tripod. Next thing you know she'll be sitting up and crawling off. "/
I figured since I had the camera out I may as well try to get some happy baby pics. I was just snapping away and playing with the lighting and turning her this way and that...and before I knew it I'd taken nearly 90 photos! Good grief...that takes forever to sort through!
I had a hard time picking my favorites.
I never realized how much she sticks her tongue out!
Haha! She's just straight up sticking her tongue out at me!
There we go! No tongue.
Yep...Little Miss Meredith is just a happy girl...
Haha! Yeah right. Look at that temper tantrum! She was basically saying "Stop taking pictures already and feed me!!!"
I really think she's going to start crawling soon! She's been doing the rocking thing for a few weeks now, and I can just see her itching to get across the room to where Anna and Wallace are sometimes. :)
I can't believe how big she's gotten already. I have a "Meredith" folder with all of the pics I've taken of just her...So, as I drag these photos that I took today onto the website I am looking at the ones Josh took at the hospital the day she was born... It really seems like I just had her yesterday...how is she already this big???