Baby Larson #3!

So...there's a lot that can suck in this world, but your 3-year-old turning off the computer right when you've just about finished typing up a post, but not yet saved it....really blows.  :(

I left my last doctor's appointment with the dreaded bed rest note for work...but really, this isn't all that bad.  When it happened with Anna (at 28 weeks), it was all just a really scary shock.  When it happened with Wallace (at 27 weeks) I was sort of in disbelief after trying so hard to be careful for the whole pregnancy.  I remember thinking "How could this happen again!!!"  With this one I've learned none of this is caused by something I'm doing...I just have a faulty uterus that tries to evict my babies while they still need a little more time to cook.  I'm fortunate that bed rest appears to do the trick, and I have been able to carry the babies not quite to term, but pretty close.  And I feel very lucky that I made it to 30 weeks this time before going on bed rest!  Although the baby is still tiny, we are out of the woods for all sorts of scary things that can happen when you have a micropreemie.  And since I thought all along that this was a possibility, I've been saving all sorts of good stuff to watch on the DVR for some time now.  :)

So, yesterday I decided to give taking my own maternity pictures a try.  I can't really go anywhere, and with the tiny backyard, I just decided to take some seated on the patio rather than standing with the fence in the background.

I never claimed to be photogenic, but there's just something extremely humbling about trying to get a decent photo of yourself when you are at your largest size...  It's difficult, and 99% of the pictures look like crap.  I had a tough time getting the camera to focus on me and not everything else in the yard, but I think I finally figured out what I was doing wrong.  After culling and culling and getting Josh's opinion, I found 2 keepers.  And then Anna walked up while I was editing them and started laughing and actually said, "Haha!  That's funny!"  Seriously?  Did she really just say that?  And then she accidentally hit the power button on the computer...  

So here goes...  Baby Larson #3 is due at the end of March.  If we make it that far it will be a small miracle, but it'd be exciting to get to bring home a really big baby!
