It's my birthday month!
Yep...I claim the entire month of July! My b-day is officially only the 27th though...I hope Josh can appreciate the fact that I give him about 26 days of reminders that my b-day is approaching. He's yet to forget it! :)
For the past couple of weeks we've been playing around in the backyard after work with the kids. Don't ask me why because it's been ridiculously hot, and the mosquitoes are eating us alive.
Josh buried Anna in the sandbox. She was so confused by the whole process, but she thought it was funny regardless.
And there's been a lot of sprinkler play! :)
Wallace loves being outside when the sprinklers are on!
He does not so much like being in said sprinklers though.... "/
For my actual birthday I really wanted to take the kids to go see this dinosaur exhibit that's been in town since March! I can't believe we just made it out there...And I also can't believe how awesome my camera is! It was super dark in this exhibit!
These dinosaurs moved and roared! It was a pretty awesome exhibit. They kept saying the dinosaurs had looked more like fur to me. And all of them have new names now.... I'll never be able to help my kids with this subject in school.
There was a neat little "dig" site the kids could play in.
But all Anna wanted to do was push every button in the place. This one was admittedly pretty controlled the movements of one of the dinosaurs. Took us forever to peel her away from it.
more buttons....
another button....there were like 50 others that I didn't get pictures of. What's funny is she typically doesn't even wait around to see what the buttons do.
She loved this water movement exhibit.
Wallace figured the wheel out!
He's such a cutie!! :)
How funny is this...Josh and Anna are making the same face! They really are 2 peas in a pod.
So, this was a great birthday, and Anna has asked to go see the dinosaurs like a hundred times since we got home! Good thing they'll be here til September...