
When Anna was a year and a half old we started her in a Mommy and Me tumbling class.  She has always loved it!  And it's been pretty eventful for us.  She used to misbehave fairly bad in class and would just run off all over the gym, which isn't too safe for a little one because there are people of all ages and abilities working out there when we go.  Fortunately, she never managed to get hurt, but I ended up breaking my foot one evening.  "/  Not long after that the discipline level in our house increased just a little, and once Anna understood that no one was going to chase her anymore, she quit running off at tumbling.  So, she got to graduate to the next class (non-parent assisted!!), which was a tremendous relief for me...the last thing I needed was to trip and break my foot again.

This week for my photography class I'm supposed to be turning in action/motion pictures, so I thought I might be able to get some decent ones at her class.  Fortunately her teacher was super open to me being in there and actually tried to get Anna to do all sorts of stuff so I could get different looks.  Because she moves so much so fast it was a challenge.  I finally put my camera on fast continuous fire, and ended up with 700 pictures to cull through!  I got a few good keepers though, so it was worth it. 

I don't know if it was because I was there with the camera, or because Maddie came over to help early, but Anna was on her best behavior!  

I don't know if it was because I was there with the camera, or because Maddie came over to help early, but Anna was on her best behavior!  

She even did all of the stretching, which is tremendous for her.  The warm up part of tumbling has always been something she struggles with....guess it's too boring.

She even did all of the stretching, which is tremendous for her.  The warm up part of tumbling has always been something she struggles with....guess it's too boring.

Her table.

Her table.

This is Maddie, her favorite person at the gym...by far.

This is Maddie, her favorite person at the gym...by far.

After warm-up, they go through 2 series of obstacle courses.  There were lots of flips this time.

After warm-up, they go through 2 series of obstacle courses.  There were lots of flips this time.

And very focused balance work.  

And very focused balance work.  

And tunnels to crawl through

And tunnels to crawl through

The second series of obstacles includes the trampoline!  This is pretty much every kids' favorite thing.

The second series of obstacles includes the trampoline!  This is pretty much every kids' favorite thing.

Lots and lots of jumping.

Lots and lots of jumping.

And more flipping...

And more flipping...

And jumping...  :)

And jumping...  :)

They usually finish class off by letting the kids wind down and draw on the trampoline with chalk.

They usually finish class off by letting the kids wind down and draw on the trampoline with chalk.

But Anna wasn't finished jumping!  :)

But Anna wasn't finished jumping!  :)

Thank goodness they've put up with her and her crazy ways, and we've managed to not get kicked out yet.   :)

Thank goodness they've put up with her and her crazy ways, and we've managed to not get kicked out yet.   :)

One kid was missing this past week, but that actually worked out for the best since I had the camera there and it made it a one-on-one class.  

One kid was missing this past week, but that actually worked out for the best since I had the camera there and it made it a one-on-one class.  

And she always get a stamp before we walk out the door.  

And she always get a stamp before we walk out the door.  

One thing is for sure....homegirl LOVES tumbling!  :)

One thing is for sure....homegirl LOVES tumbling!  :)